- Main activity of the Xanthi’s Cooperative is the collection, processing, packaging, standardization , preservation and trade of fresh fruits like Kiwis, Pomegranates and Peaches, Nectarines.
- Collection, drying and trade of cereals and corn.
- Storage of energy crops-seeds (sunflower, rapeseed) on behalf of biodiesel companies.
- Cotton Collection, Ginning and Commerce of cotton ginned
- A basic task of Cooperative of Xanthi is the annual Project (application, registration, digitization of hectares – crops of all agricultural and livestock producers of the region Xanthi) in order to pay all the beneficiaries – farmers the community subsidies . It is supervised by the Greek Payment Authority (OPEKEPE) of Common Agricultural Policy .
- Trade of fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, agricultural machinery and animal feed .
- Implementation of Integrated Crop Management in agricultural production of kiwi, Pomegranates, Peaches, Nectarines, Cotton, Tobacco and Wheat
- Accounting support for other Cooperatives and Work for the Value Added Tax return to the Agricultural Producers .
- Operation of Fruit , Tobacco , Cereals Producer Groups