
  1. Main activity of the Xanthi’s Cooperative is the collection, processing, packaging, standardization , preservation and trade of fresh fruits like Kiwis, Pomegranates and Peaches, Nectarines.
  2. Collection, drying and trade of cereals and corn.
  3. Storage of energy crops-seeds (sunflower, rapeseed) on behalf of biodiesel companies.
  4. Cotton Collection, Ginning and Commerce of cotton ginned
  5. A basic task of Cooperative of Xanthi is the annual Project (application, registration, digitization of hectares – crops of all agricultural and livestock producers of the region Xanthi) in order to pay all the beneficiaries – farmers the community subsidies . It is supervised by the Greek Payment Authority (OPEKEPE) of Common Agricultural Policy .
  6. Trade of fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, agricultural machinery and animal feed .
  7. Implementation of Integrated Crop Management in agricultural production of kiwi, Pomegranates, Peaches, Nectarines, Cotton, Tobacco and Wheat
  8. Accounting support for other Cooperatives and Work for the Value Added Tax return to the Agricultural Producers .
  9. Operation of Fruit , Tobacco , Cereals Producer Groups